Recovery and Rehab Update: Month 6 After 2nd Surgery
I'm 6 months out from synovectomy/patella release/fat pad re-sectioning and 12.5 months out from mosaicplasty and OATS surgery. I'm still a long way from a full return to running...but it has been a month of good progress.
My plan to gradually convert my 20-minute walks to 20-minute runs has continued without interruption. I walk/run every other day and I've been extending my 4 running intervals by 15 seconds (each) every other workout. As of last post I was up to 4 x 45s jogs (3 minutes of running) and I'm now up to 4 x 2:30 jogs (10 minutes of running). I'm experiencing some medial knee pain...but it is not worsening as I run longer (and a bit faster) and seems to have lessened a bit during the last 2 workouts. I had a slight increase in burning pain a few weeks back, but I cut back on cycling and that has reduced symptoms.
I've added a short walking interval to warm up and another to cool down after each 20-minute walk/run workout. My workouts are lasting over 25 minutes now. My walking pace is around 15 minutes/mile with some intervals ranging down to 14 minutes and change per mile. My running intervals are typically somewhere between 10 and 11 minutes per mile. My overall pace including both running and walking is 12 minutes (and change) per mile and I'm covering around 2 miles each workout.
On most of the days I do not run, I do BFR training and a 20-minute cycling session. (I had been cycling every day, but I cut out the cycling on running days.) The BFR training has worked wonders... A few months ago I started doing leg extensions with a 1-pound ankle weight, but now I'm up to 25 pounds (with 80% BFR). I've recently added chair squats to my BFR routine.
I still have significant stiffness in my knee when bent beyond 90 degrees, but it seems to be slowly improving. Hopefully this will resolve without the need for another procedure.
What's next from a running standpoint? I'll just continue with my plan. If I continue to progress at the current rate, I will be able to run continuously for 20 minutes in February or so. At that point I'll start stretching some runs with the aim of eventually doing a weekly long run. Work on the treadmill (inclined running and striders) to "fix" my stride will begin after that. I hope.
I had another "health surprise" that may explain the inflammation and slow healing I experienced (particularly after the first surgery that resulted in raging synovitis). After some abnormal blood tests and a consultation with a hematologist, it appears I'm suffering from an autoimmune disease...possibly lupus (SLE). I'm definitely positive for lupus anticoagulant and I'm also ANA positive. At this time there are no immediate consequences for my recovery and my health (other than taking a baby aspirin every day to reduce clotting). This is something I'll just have to keep an eye on since autoimmune disorders tend to flare from time to time.
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