Surgery #2: Partial Synovectomy and Patellar Release

I'm one day post surgery now. It seemed to go well. Since this was an arthroscopic procedure I had a lot less bleeding and swelling this time and was able to restart PT exercises this morning. The orthopedic surgeon (OS) seemed to be pretty positive on how it went. He said he removed a substantial amount of inflamed tissue. He also said the osteochondral grafts (from the last surgery) look great. Kneecap mobility should be improved (and seems to be…although I didn’t push on it too hard today since I have a couple of holes right under my kneecap). The OS also did the patellar release, resected the scarred fat pad, and did some smoothing of patellar and trochlear cartilage.

I used 2 crutches to get around yesterday after the surgery, but I've already weened myself to a single crutch. Looks like I'll be back to crutch-free walking this week. I also should be able to return to weightlifting later this week as well. Hopefully I'll be able to resume my recovery path back to running now that some of the problems caused by the first surgery have been corrected.
