A New Twist…Second Surgery Scheduled

After visiting my orthopedic surgeon (OS), I have agreed to his recommendation to have another procedure. There are several goals of the procedure…including removing inflamed synovial tissue, cleaning up adhesions, and releasing my kneecap (which lacks mobility even though I have been working on that for months during physical therapy). He is confident that this will point me in the right direction. As I expressed in my previous post, I’m wary about having another surgery to fix the first surgery. I was very overreactive to the first surgery…won’t I be for the second one?

Well, I think this approach has its risks, but I’ve not made much progress for 6 months, so it is time for a change.

The procedure will be an arthroscopic surgery that should take only 20 minutes or so. I’m scheduled to do this on June 28. I am so not looking forward to being on crutches, medications, and a cryotherapy machine, but I’m going to have to grind it out. I am going to go into NYC once a week and work with a physical therapist at the same orthopedic facility where my OS will perform the surgery. Not convenient (especially with the heavy NYC traffic that has come with folks returning to work from the pandemic, but not yet feeling up to using public transportation), but worth it so that my OS can keep a closer eye on my recovery this time.

If this procedure goes how my OS thinks it will go, this should shorten my return to running (yes, I still believe that is possible despite all that has happened). I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed that my first strides back will happen later this year.
