Return to Pre-Surgery Training Levels
It's been a while, so I'm just checking in for a brief update (my first after turning 60 years old...YIKES!). The right knee continues to be stable and recovers from stressful workouts in a predictable way. After running 52.5 miles in less than 8 hours in December, I have decided to see if I can stretch that to 100k (62 miles) and am planning to race in April. I'm training in 2 week "hard" blocks with one-week cutbacks to rest between blocks. During the "on" weeks, I do a long run and two medium-long runs with embedded speed work. This is similar to my typical training workload in 2018 and earlier when I ran my fastest ultramarathons. During my VO2max phase (already completed) I did one of the speed workouts (typically 3-min repeats) on flattish ground or the treadmill. The second quality workout included similar duration repeats, but was run up a hill or a high-incline on the treadmill. (I like having two different training stimuli targeting the same...