
Showing posts from August, 2024

Race Report: Loopy Looper 24-Hour

  Alright. I promised a race report, so here it is. It went poorly. I only covered 63.75 miles and went home about 10 hours early. Not near my goals. Disappointing. I had problems with overheating, pacing, chafing (in a variety of anatomic locations), fueling, nausea, and finally the weather (lightning). So what didn't hold me knee! As the purpose of this blog is to chronicle my return from 2 knee surgeries that didn't go so well, this is the key insight. My knee held up through training. I did 30+ mile long runs. Had an 87-mile week. Did VO2max, tempo, and steady state workouts. And my knee made it through all of that, got me back in the game, and I had an opportunity to compete in the sport I (usually) enjoy . whine about my race. It was hot. And humid. No breeze. No clouds. I didn't have the level of respect for the heat that I should have and waited too long to really slow down and concentrate on keeping cool. Felt ok'ish early and was doing the

Training Update: All Phases Complete, Race Tomorrow

One last check-in just to say that things went pretty well with my training to run a 24-hour race. A few hiccups but that is bound to happen over many months of training. My longest run was 39 miles. My longest week was 87 miles. That was the only week I broke 80. Steady state training went quite well...was able to average 7:30 min/mile for extended periods with a HR in the mid 150s. Tomorrow is going to be very hot and humid with the potential for thunderstorms. I'm not particularly good in the heat, so I'm going to have to be cautious. I'm going to try and go slow from the start (by slow, I mean 11-12 min/mile) and try to survive the daytime heat and get to the evening hours with something still left in the tank. I'll cover my fueling and heat mitigation strategies in the race report to follow. Thanks for following my story. Tomorrow could be a very interesting day if everything comes together. Good, bad, or ugly, I'll follow eventually with a report. Kind of funn