Race Report: Loopy Looper 24-Hour

Alright. I promised a race report, so here it is. It went poorly. I only covered 63.75 miles and went home about 10 hours early. Not near my goals. Disappointing. I had problems with overheating, pacing, chafing (in a variety of anatomic locations), fueling, nausea, and finally the weather (lightning). So what didn't hold me back...my knee! As the purpose of this blog is to chronicle my return from 2 knee surgeries that didn't go so well, this is the key insight. My knee held up through training. I did 30+ mile long runs. Had an 87-mile week. Did VO2max, tempo, and steady state workouts. And my knee made it through all of that, got me back in the game, and I had an opportunity to compete in the sport I (usually) enjoy . Now...to whine about my race. It was hot. And humid. No breeze. No clouds. I didn't have the level of respect for the heat that I should have and waited too long to really slow down and concentrate on keeping cool. Felt ok'ish early and was doing the ...