
Showing posts from July, 2022

Training Update: Long run up to 70 minutes, 4 days per week schedule, started "tread striders"

I am now over a year out from my 2nd right knee surgery and 19 months out from cartilage surgery. After experiencing a setback about 7 weeks ago, I took a few extra days off from running and reduced or eliminated exercises other than walking, running, and strength training. I slowed my pace during runs and stopped doing the "tread hills" incline workout I had been working on for several months. This has worked well. I've bounced back nicely over the last 6 weeks. For the past couple of weeks I've been running 4 days per week (vs. the every-other-day schedule I had been following). My pattern looks like this: Mon: strength training (w/ BFR) Tue: easy run (4 to 4.5 miles) Wed: off Thur: tread striders (4 to 4.5 miles w/ 12 x 30-second striders getting progressively faster. 1:30 jog intervals) Fri: strength training Sat: short easy run (2 to 3 miles) Sun: long run (6.5 to 7 miles) The distances approximate what I'm doing now. Of course I'll gradually add distance...