Training Update...I'm Running Again least for now. During my last 2 every-other-day walking/running workouts, I was able to run for 20 minutes continuously. This achieves an intermediate goal. Hopefully this is a stepping stone to further achievement. My pace has been pretty good for this stage. (Maybe too good?) I was able to average exactly 10 minutes/mile pace and cover 2 miles today. I have been having some right knee pain during these runs (although my knee felt better today than during the last run). Also there has been some pain and swelling after the runs...this started with the last interval workout I did (4 x 4:45/19 minutes of running total) before starting continuous running. Things had gone reasonably smoothly as I worked my way from 1 minute of running to 18 minutes of running over several months. I was recovering well and always ready for the next walk/run. With the increase in pain and swelling, it is clear I need to "plateau" here for a while. I need to make sure I can recover fr...