Recovery and Rehab Update (Month 5)…Thoughts on Why I Developed Synovitis
As I near the end of Month 5 of recovery and rehab from right knee mosaicplasty, the situation that I find myself in is that certain exercises and overall exercise volume worsen my synovitis. Over the past month, I’ve been in the mode of identifying and removing exercises from my routine that flare up my synovitis. I’m also, with the support of my PT, finding replacement exercises (for those removed from my routine) that cause less knee reaction (e.g., replacing partial squats with isometric squat "holds.") I’m trying to get to the point where my knee stiffness and swelling start to gradually improve, or at least to the point where I’m not getting worse, while doing just enough exercise to increase knee/leg strength and stability so that my knee becomes less reactive to being “loaded” in the future. This is a slow process with days that my knee feels slightly better often followed by days where my knee seems to worsen slightly (for no obvious reason…frustrating!). Overall, t...